Database Transactions and Locking – Exact Relationship Explained


This is a humble question asked in the spirit of increasing my knowledge; kindly be gentle in your response.

As a long-time application developer, I know at some level what a transaction is (I use them all the time). Leaving aside transaction isolation levels for the moment, at a high level a transaction allows a block of work to be completed entirely or not at all, and allows for a certain amount of isolation from other database-modifying activity.

I also know what (in various databases) a lock is, or at least how one behaves (if I lock a table in some way explicitly, then no other process or thread can update anything about that table).

What I am most distinctly not clear about is: in various databases, when I explicitly lock a row or a table, am I employing the exact same constructs that are used by the database's transaction facilities under the covers to make the transaction work properly?

That is, it occurs to me that in order for a transaction to be atomic and isolated, it must be doing some locking. Is this transaction-initiated, tranasction-hidden locking the same sort of locking that various databases let me access through constructs such as SELECT FOR UPDATE or explicit LOCK commands? Or are these two concepts completely different?

Again, I apologize for the naïveté of this question; I am happy to be pointed to more foundational sources.

Best Answer

when I explicitly lock a row or a table, am I employing the exact same constructs that are used by the database's transaction facilities under the covers to make the transaction work properly?

Yes. If that would not be true, then your own 'locking' would only be scoped to other similar 'locking' and not interact with the engine own locking. So you would lock a row in a table so that it cannot be locked by another application in the same manner, but your lock would be ignored by the engine itself. These semantics are seldom desired. Most of the time an application locking a row means 'lock it against any means of access/modify'. Side note that locking mechanisms that are strictly application specific do exists, because they are useful. For instance SQL Server has application locks.

it occurs to me that in order for a transaction to be atomic and isolated, it must be doing some locking.

Locking is one means to achieve this. The major alternative is versioning. Nowadays most databases support both (which also means that if you 'lock' a row in the app but another transaction uses versioning to read the row, it will read it because your locking does not block versioned reads).

You are sort of circling around a concept known in the database implementation world as 'two phase locking protocol'. the linked Wikipedia article is a good starter. If you want to read more detailed explanation about this topic I recommend head to the library and ask for a loan on Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques. Pretty much every database out there is, at its core, an implementation of that book.