The correct term to describe a single “data point” in a database


I'm not sure if this question is appropriate, but anyway here goes.

I want to communicate the number of "data points" in my database. That is every single value, including more generic values such as date_created, date_modified, id, etc. (e.g. sum(table_row_count*number_columns) )

Currently, I have been using the word "data point". However, this can sometimes lead to confusion as often people associate "data point" to a unique value representing some kind of measurement. For example if I am storing weather data, and I said my database has 100 million data points, then some people might assume that I have collected 100 million unique measurements of weather.

Is there a better term instead of "data points"?

Best Answer

The term Attribute would be the most appropriate.

Relational Database Theory

Basically, you're talking about columns and 'Column' is most appropriate when talking about the database itself or in SQL terms, however in common parlance this may not be understood by the layperson. 'Field' is a somewhat archaic term that can also be used and is usually associated with forms, but 'Attribute' is the technically correct word in Relational Theory, and would probably be most likely to be convey the meaning that you want to people.