The best database design to keep track of fields with multiple values


I am trying to dynamically build a form with a label (field) and a user entered value (fieldValue) but the form can have several different control, like a combobox, textbox, listbox, checkbox, etc….

Here is my schema right now

* PageId

* FieldId
* FiledTypeId
* FieldName

* FieldTypeId
* FieldTypeName (Combobox, Textbox, etc…)

* FieldValueId
* FieldId
* PageId
* FieldValueValue
* CurrentValue (This is a bit because a combobox could have multiple values but I wanna show which one is selected. Similarly, a listbox could have multiple values selected, a textbox would not have any values selected.)

The problem with my design is that every time I have a form using the same fields, I have to add all of the items in the combobox again as it is a new field, specific to a new page AND when I create a new page how will it know that "these" values belong to a combobox, for example. I've thought of having a 0 to many table to keep track of comboboxes and things with multiple values and then my field value table will only hold one value per field and the CurrentValue column will be gone but I'm not 100% sure if this is correct.

Any suggestions?

Best Answer

Your new design constraint is such that there's a many-to-many relationship between pages and fields, and a many-to-many relationship between page-fields and field values. That means you'd have to do this:

* Page_Id

* Field_Id
* Field_Type_Id
* Field_Name

* Page_Field_ID
* Page_Id
* Field_Id

* Page_Field_FieldValue_ID
* Page_Field_ID
* FieldValue_Id

* FieldValue_Id
* FieldValue_Value
* Current_Value

"That's really gross" you're thinking. Yes, it is. I'd strongly suggest creating views (indexed or materialized if possible) to make retrieval easier. It doesn't really solve your problem of having to define everything for each new page, but at least you won't be storing the same data repeatedly.

The Field_Type table doesn't change at all. It's relation to Field is the same. I did not list it in order to reduce confusion.

I'd also caution about using the FieldValue.Current_Value field as you seem to be suggesting, as that will not really work if your application allows multiple users. Application state needs to be stored separately from application data, typically.