Teradata view with “With Clause” syntax


I am trying to a view with "With" clause in Teradata but it is not allowing to create a view. Please suggest with any options.

Given below is the query which I have tried:

create view derived_table(derived_column)
  With temp_table(a,b,c)
  (select a,b,c from table_a where column1=column2)
select (a||'-'||b) as derived_column  from  temp_table
union all
select (a||'-'||b||'-'||C) as derived_column from  temp_table

Best Answer

It's a pain, but Teradata doesn't support CTE in views (as of 15.00), see SQL Data Manipulation Language > The SELECT Statement > WITH and WITH RECURSIVE Statement Modifiers.

In your case you can create another view with the contents of the CTE, but you probably know that already.