Teradata database unable to increase database size in permanent space


Anyone with teradata database experience? I'm new to this database and I've been tasked to increase the size of a database. I am using Teradata Administrator to do this. I am using Tools > Modify Database then increased the size in Perm space.

I'm getting the following error message when trying to modify the database to increase the size:

3541: The request to assign new PERMANENT space is invalid

My understanding so far is that key is to have enough space in DBC.
The database that I am using is a child database of the parent (DBC).

I can see from running queries that I should have enough size to increase my database since DBC is big enough.


select sum(currentperm) c1, sum (maxperm) c2, c2-c1 from dbc.diskspace;


currentperm         maxperm                 c2-c1
293,696,239,616.00  2,382,684,039,413.76    2,088,987,799,797.76
273.525938          2219.047434             1945.521496

This tells me I have 1.9TB available in DBC. Am I reading this correctly?
I have plenty of space. So why can't I increase my db?

Best Answer

Your query and the results don't match, but you're probably right.

This will return the actual available space (modify it accordingly for TBs or 1024**3):

SELECT DatabaseName, 
   CAST(SUM(    MaxPerm                  / 1000**3) AS DEC(9,2)) AS MaxPermGB, 
   CAST(SUM(CurrentPerm                  / 1000**3) AS DEC(9,2)) AS CurrentPermGB, 
   CAST(MAX(CurrentPerm) * (HASHAMP()+1) / 1000**3  AS DEC(9,2)) AS SkewedPermGB, -- due to skewed tables
   MaxPermGB - SkewedPermGB AS AvailablePermGB -- this space can be assigned to other databases
FROM dbc.DiskSpaceV
WHERE MaxPerm > 0

MODIFY DATABASE will only work if enough perm is available in the parent/immediate owner. If this database is not in the 2nd level of the hierarchy dbc is not the direct owner and then it's more complicated. Now you better use Tools -> Move Space, but this might fail if you don't have appropriate access rights.

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