T-sql – T SQL Table Valued Function to Split varbinary(max) into 16byte GUIDs


I am trying to write a function which will split a varbinary(max) field into a table with 16 byte GUIDs, but am struggling. I haven't been able to find any examples or walkthroughs on how to do this using varbinaries – so any help appreciated. An example of the data in the varbinary field I am trying to split is:



Best Answer

This is easy if you have a numbers table. The following example is cut and pasted from Erland Sommarskog's site:

CREATE FUNCTION fixbinary_single(@str varbinary(MAX))
RETURN(SELECT listpos = n.Number,
              n = convert(int, substring(@str, 4 * (n.Number - 1) + 1, 4))
       FROM   Numbers n
       WHERE  n.Number <= datalength(@str) / 4 )