T-sql – Scripting execute permissions on stored procedure


My goal is to write a script which:

  1. Creates a stored procedure
  2. Grants execution permissions to a particular user on that new stored procedure

On this SO question the recommendation is to add GRANT EXECUTE ON at the end of a script that creates a stored procedure.

However, a permissions issue not letting my own non-admin account to grant permissions on stored procedures trying to execute the stored procedure lead me to believe that that GRANT EXECUTE ON statement is executed each time that the stored procedure above it is executed. Am I incorrect?

Edit with clarification:
In the script involved, the stored procedure statements included BEGINEND, and was followed by GO, before the GRANT EXECUTE statement.

Best Answer

Take a user created Stored Procedure, MySP and as part of the SQL Script to create the SP add a SQL Statement to Grant execute permissions on the SP.

CREATE Procedure MySP

When the SQL is run the SP is created and stored in SQL Server. Once the SP is created the Grant execute statement is executed.

When the SP is executed only the contents of the SP are run.

The Grant execute statement is NOT stored with the SP in SQL Sever. This can be verified in a number of ways

  1. By opening SQL Enterprise Manager, locating the database in which the SP resides and viewing the SP under Programmability.
  2. Use sp_helptext 'MySP' which will return SQL Servers stored version of the SP