Sybase ASE 15.7 – Sort Ordering and Collation


I have my sort ordering in Sybase as:
45 190 altdict – Alternate (lower-case first) dictionary ordering
Am I right that alternate means "aAbBcC..zZ" ordering?

What should I do to change ordering with "ORDER BY" as 'ABC..YZabc..yz' ? What sort ordering to choose?

Where may it be changed? In a session? In SQL statement?
as far as I know I need to change the whole server sort ordering and rebuilt indexes. But there are a bunch of databases with different owners and different users and it seems a bit extreme

Best Answer

The ASE dataserver is configured with a single sort order; see selecting default sort order.

For scenarios where the user needs to use a sort order different from the dataserver's default sort order there is:

  • sortkey() - allows for sorting data by a user-selected sort order