Structuring SQLite database with 2 relationships


I'm current working on a SQLite-database in a android project which will store 3 types of objects; feed, users and posts.

There will be several feeds containing several varying users(a user can be part of serveral feeds) and of my understanding i should implement this by having a Many-to-Many relationship:
feedTable – bridge_feeduserTable – userTable

But there will also be posts made by users and a post should be linked to a the user which created the post. How should i link this up?

Should i have a feedTable – bridge_feeduserTable – userTable – bridge_userpostTable – postTable?
or should the posts be stored in a separate database with all the posts? What is the best practice regarding this issue?

Some basic questions that will asked to the database is:
What users are part of feed x?
What posts have been made by the users in feed x?

Best Answer

If I get you right then one post is linked to one user but one user can have many posts. I think this is a one to many relationship. So, put a field user_id in your table post then you know which post is linked to which user.

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