SQLite Database Design – Storing Pandas DataFrames with Metadata


I need some help with designing a database. My aim is to persistently store a number of pandas DataFrames in a searchable way, and from what I've read SQLite is perfect for this task.

Each DataFrame contains about a million rows of particle movement data like this:

              z            y            x  frame  particle
0     49.724138    45.642857   813.035714      0         0
3789  14.345679  2820.537500  4245.162500      0         1
3788  10.692308  2819.210526  1646.842105      0         2
3787  34.100000  2817.700000  1375.300000      0         3
3786   8.244898  2819.729167  1047.375000      0         4

Using sqlalchemy I can already store each DataFrame as a table in a new DataBase:

from sqlalchemy import create_engine
import pandas as pd

engine = create_engine("sqlite:////mnt/storage/test.db")

exp1.to_sql("exp1", engine, if_exists="replace")
exp2.to_sql("exp2", engine, if_exists="replace")
exp3.to_sql("exp3", engine, if_exists="replace")

But this is too basic. How can I store each DataFrame/experiment with a couple of metadata fields like Name, Date in such a way that later on it's possible to return all experiments conducted by a certain person, or on a specific date?

I will add more columns over time. Assuming each DataFrame/experiment has a column velocity, how could I retrieve all experiments where the mean temperature value is below or above an arbitrary threshold?

Best Answer

You've created 3 separate tables (well 2, pending the apparent typo?). If you want to unify the data, you probably shouldn't be forcibly overwriting target tables with if_exists="replace"

From the .to_sql() documentation

  • replace: Drop the table before inserting new values.

  • append: Insert new values to the existing table.

Assuming your similarly named files have the same schema, you can edit the last 3 lines as follows.

exp1.to_sql("exp", engine, if_exists="append")
exp2.to_sql("exp", engine, if_exists="append")
exp3.to_sql("exp", engine, if_exists="append")

This will insert all three datasets to a single table named exp instead of 3 separate tables.

If each csv isn't uniquely identified from the others within itself - for example if exp1.csv looks like this...


...then you can append the experiment identifier to each dataset as needed in the dataframe. For example by...

>>> exp1['ExpName'] = 'exp1'
>>> exp1
    Name        Date  Temperature ExpName
0  Peter  2020-01-01           50    exp1
1   Paul  2020-01-01           55    exp1
2   Mary  2020-01-01           53    exp1
3   Jane  2020-01-01           49    exp1

...which will allow you to group by experiment in any follow-on SQL you may run against your database.

...how could I retrieve all experiments where the mean temperature value is below or above an arbitrary threshold?

...well given an arbitrary additional two datasets of...

➜  /tmp cat exp2.csv
➜  /tmp cat exp3.csv
➜  /tmp

...that you likewise appended the expN identifier to in the dataframe, then you would run the following SQL to retrieve experiments where the average temp was below 53

FROM exp
HAVING AVG(Temperature) < 53;

Which I'll leave to you to plug into SQLAlchemy as you like :)