SSRS – Set Rectangle Visibility Based on Parameter Value

microsoft-dynamicsreportingssrs-2008-r2visual studio

I am creating a Report in SSRS.
Its a Dynamic 2011 CRM Report.
I have created some Tables.
And some Rectangles.
Each Rectangle contains some Tables.
Also there is a Parameter that contains value from 1 to 4.
It is a multiple values parameter.
The goal is that the user select parameters( one or more ) and then tables based on the rec visibility condition appear.( Maybe two rec appear, or maybe all of them)
We all know that there is IN operator in SQL Syntax.
But I do not know how to make it here.
I googled a lot but no success.
Here is what I tried in rec visibility.


And in the second table :


till the last rectangle.

Even changed to :


I Also Put both of them in =iif, but no success.
How can I perform this?
Visibility of rectangle based on the multiple values parameter.
Any help will appreciated.

Best Answer

Check out this answer. Basically, you want to combine all the values in your selected list using Join then use InStr to detect if the value in question is there.

So if you have Rectangle Rec1 which relies on param option "Rec1Visible" in parameter RecVisibility being selected, then an expression like this should work (pseudo names) for Rec1's visibility property:


Use the same code for each visibility expression, with the relevant value, to control the visibility of your rectangles.