SSMS – How to Fix Slow Response in Restore Database Wizard


I've just noticed this recently on one of the SQL Server 2012 SP3 instances that I oversee.

When I try to restore a database using SSMS 2012 (by right-clicking on the database,and choosing Tasks>Restore>Database), the Restore Database window (where you can pick the source, and destination database, etc.) takes a very long time before it finally shows up on the screen. I'm talking more than 10 minutes here at times.

I've noticed this both using my local SSMS, and on the SSMS installed on the Windows Server where the SQL Server instance is installed.

I am only noticing this on one specific instance. I don't see the same slow response issue when doing a Restore on the gui on the other instances.

Have any of you seen this before? I'd appreciate the help. Thanks.

Best Answer

Mine went from 2.5 mins to open, to 1-2 seconds.


MSDB.dbo.backupset keeps a log of backups (separate to what's inside backupfiles themselves).


select *
from msdb.dbo.backupset
where database_name = 'Your-DB-Name-Here'

To clean up:

EXEC msdb.sp_delete_backuphistory @oldest_date = '2019-06-27 10:00:00.000';

WARNING: the sp_delete_backuphistory procedure isn't limited to one database, there are no other parameters for this procedure call

The date above is an example.

It is recommended to include this kind of thing in your maintenance plan.