SSMS IntelliSense not working with sa user


In SSMS (versions 17 and 18), IntelliSense is not working with the sa user, but it is working with another user.

If I connect to a SQL database with the sa user and create a query window, IntelliSense does not work in this window.
However, if I make a second connection to the same database with another user and create a query window, IntelliSense works.
If change back to the query window with sa user, IntelliSense again does not work.
IntelliSense AutoComplete

Best Answer

When you create a user in sql, it is generally assigned the default bd you want to work with, that's why the IntelliSense works for you, although I think you shouldn't use the SA user for that, you can make the IntelliSense work by calling the bd with which you want to make inquiries ...

use [yourdb]
select * from yourtable
