SSIS Custom Task with a default Task UI


I followed the tutorial here to build a very simple task and was able to get that task to work.

Here are my current tools:

  • Sql Server 2012
  • Visual Studio 2013 (project is compiled in .net 4.0)
  • Sql Server Data Tools (from Sql Server 2012)

What I want to do, however, is use the default IU with the property window that you see inside Sql Server Data Tools. Here is a tutorial to do so, but it is quite old.

The problem I seem to be having is that I can't seem to locate Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Controls. I tried adding the compatibility tools, but that did not bring the dll into my GAC.

I would really like to be able to pull in that dll and use DTSBaseTaskUI so that I can inherit the default look of the UI within Sql Data Tools without recreating the already used UI.

Best Answer

Not sure if you ever got this solved, but I was able to find it in the GAC:


Let me know if that did the trick for you