SSAS Dimensions Hierarchy causes deployment errors


I've set up a Data Source Connection to the Adventure Works DW database using the service's credentials.

I'm creating a dimension using the DimDate table. To simplify things, I'm using only the Calendar Quarter, Calendar Year, Day Number of Month, English Month Name, and the Date Key columns.

Each of these attributes have been set to AttributeHierarchyVisible = False.

I dragged the Calendar Year into Hierarchies followed by Calendar Quarter, English Month Name, Day Number of Month.

I set the attribute Relationships to:

Date Key -> Day Number Of Month -> English Month Name-> Calendar Quarter -> Calendar Year

All relationships are set to rigid.

When I try to deploy this setup, I get the following errors:

Error 2 Internal error: The operation terminated unsuccessfully. 0 0
Error 3 Server: The current operation was cancelled because another operation in the transaction failed. 0 0

I also receive this warning:

Warning 1 Errors in the OLAP storage engine: A duplicate attribute key has been found when processing: Table: 'dbo_DimDate', Column: 'CalendarQuarter', Value: '2'. The attribute is 'Calendar Quarter'. 0 0

I can't figure out what is going on, or why this is erroring. The book I'm using gave me the steps listed above and Google has failed me thus far (a very scary thing).

Any help you guys can give to help me figure out what I'm doing wrong would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I've often found errors reported from SSAS indicating a duplicate key value in the dimension. When I've reviewed the source data, the duplicates aren't found. While I can't shed light on why this error is popping up in the dimension, I can offer a solution that bypasses the error and allows the cube to finish deploying and processing.

If you open the dimension object and look at the properties, you'll see a section for ErrorConfiguration. If you change this to "custom", you can tell SSAS what to do when it encounters errors in processing the object. If you want to log the error and allow the processing to continue, use "ReportAndContinue" as the value for properties like KeyDuplicate, KeyNotFound, NullKeyConvertedToUnknown, NullKeyNotAllowed - whatever is appropriate for your design. I set the KeyErrorLimit to 1 and set the KeyErrorLimitAction to StopLogging so your log files don't get overloaded with the same or similar errors.

As I said, this doesn't SOLVE the issue, but it does allow the cube to continue processing and sometimes, I've found, that's enough.