SQLite UNION Issue – Resolving WITH Clause Problems


my UNION queries cannot work when tables created by WITH are used, is this a SQLite limitation? for example –

This works:

T_one as (
    select * from T
T_two as (
    select * from T
select * from T_one 

This does not work:

--union cannot see tables made by with
T_one as (
    select * from T
T_two as (
    select * from T
select * from T_one union select * from T_two

(sqlite3.OperationalError) no such table: T_one [SQL: u'–union cannot see tables made by with\nwith\nT_one as (\n select * from T\n),\nT_two as (\n select * from T\n)\nselect * from T_one union select * from T_two']

Best Answer

I was running the query inside python 2.7.10, which comes with sqlite It turns out that if I run this directly with the sqlite that comes with OSX, it works fine.

I upgraded my python sqlite to 3.9.1 and it works now.

Instructions per trac.edgewall.org/wiki/PySqlite

  1. Download pysqlite-2.8.1.tar.gz from trac.edgewall.org/wiki/PySqlite
  2. Download sqlite-amalgamation-3090100.zip from sqlite.org/download.html
  3. Unzip both and put them in the same folder
  4. Run this command from the folder:

    python setup.py build_static install

Note: I'm using OSX El Capitain, and a separate python installation (not the built in apple one) downloaded from python.org, and my .bash_profile is set up to point to this python installation