SQLite Error – Resolving ‘No Such Column’ When Column Exists


I have a table (trackedinfo) inside my database that has the following columns (columns obtained by running PRAGMA table_info(trackedinfo);)

columns of the table

The problem is that even though the column sendok exists, when running a query on the database with that field, it throws an error.

Example queries:

SELECT * FROM trackedinfo WHERE sendok IS NULL;
SELECT sendok FROM trackedinfo;


SQLITE_ERROR: SQL error or missing database (no such column: sendok)


But, if I run a query selecting all of the fields, it brings me the info regarding sendok:

enter image description here

Here is the CREATE command of the database:

CREATE TABLE trackedinfo
    date_time_start TEXT,
    date_time_end TEXT,
    tracked_name TEXT,
    tracked_origin TEXT,
    tracked_maker TEXT,
    tracked_version TEXT,
    tracked_type TEXT,
    sendok TEXT,
    tracked_id TEXT


It also happens with the column tracked_id


Info that I got by executing .schema trackedinfo

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "trackedinfo" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "date_time_start" TEXT, "date_time_end" TEXT, "tracked_name" TEXT, "tracked_origin" TEXT, "tracked_maker" TEXT, "tracked_version" TEXT, "tracked_type" TEXT, "sendok " TEXT, "tracked_id " TEXT);

Best Answer

The problem was that I had an space at the end of the name of the columns, solved the problem by deleting such spaces.


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "trackedinfo" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "date_time_start" TEXT, "date_time_end" TEXT, "tracked_name" TEXT, "tracked_origin" TEXT, "tracked_maker" TEXT, "tracked_version" TEXT, "tracked_type" TEXT, "sendok " TEXT, "tracked_id " TEXT);


CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "trackedinfo" ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, "date_time_start" TEXT, "date_time_end" TEXT, "tracked_name" TEXT, "tracked_origin" TEXT, "tracked_maker" TEXT, "tracked_version" TEXT, "tracked_type" TEXT, "sendok" TEXT, "tracked_id" TEXT);

In the above examples white spaces whithin "sendok" and "tracked_id" columns has been removed.