SQLite – Limit Characters in Different Parts of a String with Check Constraints


I have to make sure that any inserted Email has the format: "X@Y.Z"

X and Y may only contain letters and numbers and Z can only have Letters.

I tried something like this, but i cant figure out how to limit the Characters for X,Y and Z separately.

Create Table User(
Mail varchar check(Mail NOT GLOB '*[^A-Za-z0-9@.]*' AND Mail LIKE '%_@%_._%'));

Best Answer

So i figured out how to do exactly what i wanted to do. I used substrings and limited the characters for each individual part of the EMail.

EMail varchar NOT NULL COLLATE NOCASE check( (substr(EMail, INSTR(EMail,'.')+1) NOT GLOB '*[^A-Za-z]*') 
AND (substr(EMail,1, INSTR(EMail,'@')-1) NOT GLOB '*[^A-Za-z0-9]*')
AND (substr(EMail, INSTR(EMail,'@')+1, ((INSTR(EMail,'.')-1) - (INSTR(EMail,'@')+1))+1 ) NOT GLOB '*[^A-Za-z0-9]*') 
AND EMAIL LIKE '%_@%_.%_')