Sqlite – join between two tables


I have two tables, same structure (filename, filesize, permissions), and possible different or missing values between the two..

I would like to display all the records with the following fields:

filename | filesizeTable1 | permissionsTable1| filesizeTable2 | permissionsTable2 | match

and I would like:

  1. the same filename to be displayed only once
  2. if filename is missing in one of the two tables, the columns filesize and permissions for that table would be empty
  3. if filename exists on both tables, but one of the other fields is different the field "match" would display "1"
  4. if filename exists on both tables, and the other fields are the same, the field "match" would display "0"

The step 1 is achievable with a join between the two tables (select filename from table1 union select filename from table2 order by filename;) but I'm stuck on how to proceed to have empty lines when a filename is missing in one of the two tables..

Solution (thanks Lennart):

select a.filename as filename
     , a.size as filesize1, a.permissions as permissions1
     , b.size as filesize2, b.permissions as permissions2
     , CASE
        WHEN a.filename IS NULL or b.filename IS NULL THEN 1 
        WHEN a.size != b.size THEN 2
        WHEN a.permissions != b.permissions THEN 2 
        ELSE 0
       END  as Match
from scanTableHost1 as a
LEFT JOIN scanTableHost2 as b 
    ON a.filename = b.filename
select b.filename as filename
     , a.size as filesize1, a.permissions as permissions1
     , b.size as filesize2, b.permissions as permissions2 
     , CASE
        WHEN a.filename IS NULL or b.filename IS NULL THEN 1 
        WHEN a.size != b.size THEN 2
        WHEN a.permissions != b.permissions THEN 2 
        ELSE 0
       END  as Match
from scanTableHost2 as b
LEFT JOIN scanTableHost1 as a
    ON a.filename = b.filename

Best Answer

I assume when you say JOIN you really mean a more general combination of the two tables. JOIN is an operator in SQL, so you should avoid using it when you are referring to a UNION. Anyhow, if I get it right you want a FULL OUTER JOIN between two tables:

select COALESCE(a.filename, b.filename) as filename
     , a.filesize as filesize1, a.permissions as permissions1
     , b.filesize as filesize1, b.permissions as permissions1
from T1 as a
    ON a.filename = b.filename

COALESCE is a function that return the first value from left to right that is not null.

However, from what I understand SQLite only supports LEFT JOIN so you have to rewrite the query using two LEFT JOINS and a UNION as:

select a.filename as filename
     , a.filesize as filesize1, a.permissions as permissions1
     , b.filesize as filesize1, b.permissions as permissions1 
     , CASE WHEN b.filename IS NOT NULL -- a match
            THEN CASE WHEN (a.filesize, a.permissions) = (b.filesize, b.permissions)  
                      THEN 0 ELSE 1
from T1 as a
    ON a.filename = b.filename
select b.filename as filename
     , a.filesize as filesize1, a.permissions as permissions1
     , b.filesize as filesize1, b.permissions as permissions1 
     , CASE WHEN a.filename IS NOT NULL -- a match
            THEN CASE WHEN (a.filesize, a.permissions) = (b.filesize, b.permissions)  
                      THEN 0 ELSE 1
from T2 as b
    ON a.filename = b.filename

Note that a and b changed place in the second leg of the union.