SQLite error: foreign key mismatch when I try to make an INSERT command


I'm trying to create an Associative Entity (N:N) in SQLite like this:

[ Pet —< VaccinePet >— Vaccine ]

And, I have the follow code of my associative entity:

        vp_date TEXT NOT NULL,
        vp_is_applied INTEGER DEFAULT 0,
        fk_pet INTEGER,
        fk_vaccine INTEGER,
        FOREIGN KEY (fk_pet) REFERENCES pet (pet_id),
        FOREIGN KEY (fk_vaccine) REFERENCES vaccine (vaccine_id),
        PRIMARY KEY (fk_pet, fk_vaccine) 

BUT, I'm getting an error:

foreign key mismatch – "VACCINEPET" referencing "vaccine": INSERT INTO
VACCINEPET (vp_date, vp_is_applied, fk_pet, fk_vaccine) VALUES
('23/05/2018', 0, 1, 1);

When I try to use the INSERT command:

INSERT INTO VACINAPET (vp_data, vp_is_aplicada, fk_pet, fk_vacina)
VALUES ('23/05/2018', 0, 1, 1);

What could be wrong? I'm not so good in database… 🙁

MASTER DETAIL: I have data in Pet table and Vaccine table, they are not empty

Best Answer

The error message "foreign key mismatch" does not indicate a constraint violation, but that your database schema is wrong.

Assuming that the vaccine table and the vaccine_id column actually exist, the most likely reason is that the required index is missing, i.e., that vaccine_id is not the primary key (or at least unique).