Sql-server – Workflow for SQL Server + Azure SQL development

azure-sql-databasesql server

Lets assume the following:

  • 5 devs all working on laptops
  • Each develops/debugs on Azure compute emulator (code) and SQL Server (db) – both running locally on their laptops.

I'd like to have

  • These 5 SQL 'Servers' need to sync with each other
  • BONUS: If the 5 SQL servers can also sync with (non-production) Azure SQL database!

How can I set this up? The way we're setup, all dev's eventually diverge from the 'reference' database (both schema and data) and pruning it is a PITA. I'm hoping there are some tools to alleviate this issue.

Best Answer

Developers should produce code, and there are obviously many ways to sync code changes (source control). Never touch the database. Ever. If they need any change in the database, modify the code that deploys/upgrades the database. Rails's Migrations are an excellent example of doing it the right way. Visual studio has Database Projects. You can always roll your own custom solution. Post-fact comparison tools I don't like much, but you can say is a personal opinion.