Sql-server – Will dropping text column on SQL Server 2014 lock the table

alter-tablelockingsql serversql server 2014

I have been tasked to drop a text column from a production SQL Server 2014 table.

The table contains 61,683,821 records.

Question: will dropping the column lock the table (or cause similar disruptions)?

Bonus question: one procedure references the column (the column does not allow nulls – so, on insert we are using an empty string). Can I wrap the ALTER TABLE and ALTER PROCEDURE in a single transaction without issues? (that is, alter the table and remove the reference from the procedure).

Thanks… I'm the developer, not the dba… why they want me to do this, I don't know 🙁

Update I can answer the first question. The DROP was instant and caused no problems. I chose not to use a transaction.

Best Answer

I performed the DROP command and it was instantaneous.

I did not attempt to wrap the DROP and ALTER PROC in a transaction however.