SQL Server Performance – Why Set Auto Update Statistics to False

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I've just inherited about 20 instances of SQL Server, as part of a wider acquisition project. I'm in the process of assessing performance and I don't like the way maintenance plans have been implemented.

I'm seeing daily blanket index rebuilds (I can deal with this one) and also daily manual updating of statistics.

Around half of the databases have been set to Auto Update Statistics = False, for reasons which are not clear other than I am told it is to reduce 'Performance Issues'…

I always thought, and worked to, best practice of setting this to True and felt the Manual Update was not necessary if this setting was True. Am I wrong?

Can anyone explain what the benefit would be in having this set as False, but doing a daily manual update instead?

I should mention that some of the databases are highly transactional (millions of Inserts, Deletes, Updates per day) Others are low in terms of transaction rates, and some are all but read-only. There is no rhyme or reason though as to which have the Auto Update setting set to False. It appears to be a lottery.

Best Answer

You are correct, I also believe that in most cases the Auto Update statistics should be set to true we should allow SQL Server to decide when to update stats and believe me it does good job. When this is set to true it make sure stats are updated about distribution of data in the field which would eventually help optimizer to prepare better plan. The important thing to note here is Auto update stats fire when 20% of data changes in table. So you should not feel that on a table with 100K rows if 10 rows are updated then status update will fire.

A more deeper analysis is done by Paul Randal in the blog Understanding When Statistics Will Automatically Update. I have not seen any drawback if this option is set to true. Yes you can see some I/O activity when this option is set to true.

Important conclusion which one can draw from the blog is

Even if a statistic becomes outdated as the result of a modification, it will not automatically update after the modification completes. The statistic will automatically update the next time a query plan uses it.

For cases where you have just read only databases or databases where you just do select operation and there is no DML operation, in that case you can keep the option to false but again no harm would come if you keep it true. We mostly see database with certain amount of activity.