SQL Server 2017 – TRY CATCH Block Exiting on Error Issue

error handlingsql serversql-server-2017

Below is a snippet of my TRY/CATCH logic within a stored procedure with error handling (I did not include all of the DECLARE statements). This is being ran within a stored procedure, however I am simply testing this in a session via SSMS (would this affect the behavior?). I did stumble across this thread, but do I have to go to these lengths to simply capture errors?

DECLARE @sql varchar(1000);
SET @sql = 'select 1/0';
-- On Error the remaining TRY/CATCH below is compeltely ignored I discovered.
DECLARE @error int;
SET @error = @@error;
IF @error > 0
     SET @raisemessage = 'SQL Backup Error: ' + cast(@rc as varchar(10));
         RAISERROR (@raisemessage, 16,1);

    SET @errormessage = ERROR_MESSAGE();
    IF @errormessage is null
        SET @errormessage = ''
        SET @errorstring = @errorstring + 'Database: ' + @name + '  Error: ' + @errormessage + char(10) + char(10);

Can anyone explain the shortcomings of this TRY/CATCH block? Does this not work in T-SQL?

Best Answer

This is actually far more straightforward than I thought. Assuming that all of the variables used above are declared elsewhere, the simple answer as to why the catch isn't working is that it is working, but it has syntax errors internally that result in a return value of NULL.

Consider this line:

SET @errorstring = @errorstring + 'Database: ' + @name + '  Error: ' + @errormessage + char(10) + char(10);

Unless you declared @errorstring like this:

DECLARE @errorstring varchar(255) = ''

Or assigned @errorstring as some value, the variable is currently set to NULL. And, by default, concatenating anything to NULL returns... NULL.

Changing the code here to

SET @errorstring = 'Database: ' + @name + '  Error: ' + @errormessage + char(10) + char(10);

Sets the variable to the correct value.