Sql-server – Why is SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio making me login again


I login to SQL Server 2008 management studio each morning, it works all day just fine. When I come in the next morning and try to run a query, it asks me to login again.

Where is the setting defined which controls this "login timeout"?

Best Answer

Possible simple reasons:

  • Connection is broken between your PC and SQL Server (for example some Switch can be powered-down, re-started etc)
  • Connection can be closed from SQL-Server side if your admins make some kind of maintenance and simply kill connections, or if your Server is running in Virtualized envronment, it's instance could be "paused" to make a snapshot.

    • list of reasons can be really big

you can start analysing using simple tool: when you go home, just run:

ping -t NAMEOFYOURSERVER >c:\temp\log.txt

this will start permanent ping and when you will come next day - just Ctrl-Break and look into the file if there are Time-Outs. This way you will know if at least IP connection was alive.