Sql-server – Why is Microsoft SQL Server creating a ton of dump files

dumppolybasesql server

How to determine what is causing Microsoft SQL Server to create dump files over and over taking up 170 GB of disk space? How do I troubleshoot what is causing the dumps?

The path of the dump files is

C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSQL\Log\Polybase\dump

Can I delete these?

I have looked at The SQL server Log folder is expanding because of the SQL Dump files (what to do with it ?) but it doesn't really answer my question – it mainly states to contact Microsoft.

Best Answer

You can check the SQL Server Error Log to get more information as to why dump files were generated. Microsoft also provides the sys.dm_server_memory_dumps dmv for troubleshooting, but it isn't clear to me how that dmv would be helpful.