SQL Server – SELECT POWER(10.0, 38.0) Arithmetic Overflow Error

datatypessql serversql-server-2008t-sqltype conversion

I'm updating my IDENTITY overflow check script to account for DECIMAL and NUMERIC IDENTITY columns.

As part of the check I compute the size of the data type's range for every IDENTITY column; I use that to calculate what percentage of that range has been exhausted. For DECIMAL and NUMERIC the size of that range is 2 * 10^p - 2 where p is the precision.

I created a bunch of test tables with DECIMAL and NUMERIC IDENTITY columns and attempted to calculate their ranges as follows:

SELECT POWER(10.0, precision)
FROM sys.columns
       is_identity = 1
   AND type_is_decimal_or_numeric

This threw the following error:

Msg 8115, Level 16, State 6, Line 1
Arithmetic overflow error converting float to data type numeric. 

I narrowed it down to the IDENTITY columns of type DECIMAL(38, 0) (i.e. with the maximum precision), so I then tried the POWER() calculation directly on that value.

All of the following queries

SELECT POWER(10.0, 38.0);

also resulted in the same error.

  • Why does SQL Server try to convert the output of POWER(), which is of type FLOAT, to NUMERIC (especially when FLOAT has a higher precedence)?
  • How can I dynamically calculate the range of a DECIMAL or NUMERIC column for all possible precisions (including p = 38, of course)?

Best Answer

From the POWER documentation:


POWER ( float_expression , y )


Is an expression of type float or of a type that can be implicitly converted to float.

Is the power to which to raise float_expression. y can be an expression of the exact numeric or approximate numeric data type category, except for the bit data type.

Return Types

Returns the same type as submitted in float_expression. For example, if a decimal(2,0) is submitted as float_expression, the result returned is decimal(2,0).

The first input is implicitly cast to float if necessary.

The internal calculation is performed using float arithmetic by the standard C Runtime Library (CRT) function pow.

The float output from pow is then cast back to the type of the left hand operand (implied to be numeric(3,1) when you use the literal value 10.0).

Using an explicit float works fine in your case:

SELECT POWER(1e1, 38);
SELECT POWER(CAST(10 as float), 38.0);

An exact result for 1038 cannot be stored in a SQL Server decimal/numeric because it would require 39 digits of precision (1 followed by 38 zeros). The maximum precision is 38.