SQL Server – Why OBJECT_NAME() Fails for Temporary Tables


According to this MSDN article http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190328.aspx

When a temporary table name is specified, the database name must come before the temporary table name, unless the current database is tempdb. For example: SELECT OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#mytemptable').

But when I am actually creating a temp table in a database other than tempdb the function is not working as specified:

use beta1
create table #t(id int)
select object_name(object_id('tempdb..#t')) as from_beta1
use tempdb
select object_name(object_id('tempdb..#t')) as from_tempdb
drop table #t

This is what I see:



What am I missing or doing wrong?

Best Answer

You have to tell object_name that it needs to look in the metadata of tempdb.

select object_name(object_id('tempdb..#t'), db_id('tempdb')) as from_beta1