Sql-server – Why can’t I access IIS Manager on the server with Reporting Services installed

sql serversql-server-2012ssrs

I have a Windows Server 2008 Server running SQL Server 2012 (including SSRS). I've noticed that the site is intermittently slow on first run, and found this blog post about the cause and how to fix it.

However, when I open the server manager for either of my servers (dev and production) they don't seem to have IIS installed.


enter image description here

On my dev server, I installed the IIS role, but I can't see anything to do with Reporting Services there:

enter image description here

Why can't I see anything to do with SSRS here? The web sites for both servers work fine.

Best Answer

As of SQL Server 2008, IIS is no longer used by SQL Server Reporting Services. It utilizes the HTTP.sys API now. So you will not see SSRS show up as a site or application pool.

The tip you linked to deals with SQL Server 2005, which required IIS in order to use SSRS. This tip speaks of the slowness you might be seeing and how to address it in SQL Server 2008/2008 R2. I would test to see if the same results are seen in 2012 version.