SQL Server 2008R2 – Why Databases Are Not Mirroring


I'm trying to set up database mirroring in SQL Server 2008R2. I've taken a full backup and a transactional backup from my principal database and I've restored both WITH NORECOVERY.

However, my mirror database is now stuck in RECOVERING mode and when I hit "start mirroring" on my principal, it says it can't connect.

What am I doing wrong?

Edit: I should probably state that my database is rather large (the mdf file is about 4.8GB) so that could be why.

Edit2: I've also tried doing this with both firewalls turned off so I know it's not a firewall issue.

Edit3: I've run the SQL that Mark suggested. The principal results are here: http://piersonthe.net/principal.xls and mirror are here: http://piersonthe.net/mirror.xls

It's worth noting that I got the following error when I ran the query on the mirror:
Msg 927, Level 14, State 2, Line 1
Database 'RHSCMSSites' cannot be opened. It is in the middle of a restore.

Best Answer

After all that one of the servers didn't have the SQL Server service running under the same user. I'm an idiot.