SQL Server Excessive Memory Grant Warning – When Does SQL Server Warn About Excessive Memory Grant?

execution-planmemory-grantsql serverwarning

What are the conditions that produce an "Excessive Grant" execution plan warning?

The query memory grant detected "ExcessiveGrant", which may impact the reliability. Grant size: Initial 5128 KB, Final 5128 KB, Used 16 KB.


SSMS plan

SSMS properties

Plan Explorer

Plan Explorer

Showplan xml

    <MemoryGrantWarning GrantWarningKind="Excessive Grant"
        RequestedMemory="5128" GrantedMemory="5128" MaxUsedMemory="16" />

Best Answer

To produce this warning:

  1. The maximum used memory must be less than 5% of the granted memory; AND
  2. The query must use the regular (not small) resource semaphore

To use the regular resource semaphore the query must:

  • Have granted memory over 5MB (5120 KB, 640 x 8KB pages); OR
  • Have a total estimated plan cost of over 3 units and not be a trivial plan

Server version requirements:

  • SQL Server 2014 SP2 (12.0.5000) or later
  • SQL Server 2016 SP1 (13.0.4001) or later
  • SQL Server 2017 RTM (14.0.1000) or later