What Do Vertical Lines Refer to in Database Diagram View – SQL Server

database-designsql serverview

source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms188251.aspx

Examples above

I understand one to one relationships, one to many, PK, FK and all of that, but

I get really confused about understanding what verical lines refer in a relational database setup

Could someone elaborate on the highlighted area?

What is #1 and #2 referring to in this diagram?

Is #1 referring to a one to many relationship for COUNTRY: TITLEID?
and #2 discount to STORE ID?

I'm having trouble visually interpreting the diagram

Best Answer

The answer for to your question is further down in the article:

Endpoints The endpoints of the line indicate whether the relationship is one-to-one or one-to-many. If a relationship has a key at one endpoint and a figure-eight at the other, it is a one-to-many relationship. If a relationship has a key at each endpoint, it is a one-to-one relationship.

The key represents the "one" and the figure-eight (or infinity symbol, I presume) represents the "many".

The relationships aren't tied to the visually closest column name in the diagram, but to the column with the same name in each table. For instance, the one-to-many relationship between publishers and titles is tied to the pub_id column.