SQL Server – Extract Isolation Level from sp_whoisactive XML

monitoringperformanceperformance-tuningsp-whoisactivesql serversql-server-2016

While I caught myself re-engineering the functionality of sp_who / sp_whoisactive using the sys.sysprocesses and sys.dm_exec_session views, to get an overview about running sessions and transactions on my server, I thought: "no, instead use something already that is available and tested!"

exec sp_whoisactive @get_additional_info = 1; 

returns an additional XML column that offers lots of information, one of this is the Isolation Level.

I would like to have the isolation level in the primary resultset of sp_whoisactive. Did anyone have the same requirement and already solved it? Why is it not included in the primary resultset from scratch, since it is an important information.


Best Answer

Using the built-in functionality of sp_whoisactive to return the schema of the result set, you can store that information in a temp table and then use CROSS APPLY to extract out one or more xml nodes from the additional information

--Drop temp table 
IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.sp_whois_active') IS NOT NULL  
    DROP TABLE tempdb.dbo.sp_whois_active 

--Use 'return_schema' to create a temp table to hold the results of sp_whoisactive

EXEC sp_WhoIsActive @output_column_list = '[%]'
    ,@return_schema = 1
    ,@schema = @s OUTPUT
    ,@get_additional_info = 1

SET @s = REPLACE(@s, '<table_name>', 'tempdb.dbo.sp_whois_active')

EXEC (@s)

--Populate the temp table by executing sp_whoisactive
EXEC sp_WhoIsActive @output_column_list = '[%]'
    ,@destination_table = 'tempdb.dbo.sp_whois_active'
    ,@get_additional_info = 1

--Select all of the columns from the temp table and
--use CROSS APPLY to extract one or more xml nodes
SELECT who.*
    ,N.C.value('transaction_isolation_level[1]', 'varchar(100)') IsolationLevel
FROM tempdb.dbo.sp_whois_active who
CROSS APPLY additional_info.nodes('//additional_info') N(C)