Sql-server – Validate and Verify Data After SAN Migration

migrationsql server

We are preparing to migrate to a new SAN and I have been tasked with verifying/validating data after migrating a server.

Other than the DBCC commands that would tell me about data integrity, and comparing against a restored backup on a different server (on the old SAN), what would you recommend to do in order to V&V the migration?


ps – I will have instances that range from MSSQL 2000-2008

Best Answer

I'd compare the data using, say, Red Gate SQL Data Compare in addition to DBCC. Comparing all data in all tables row by row means checking every populated page.

However, for larger databases this will a long time, so you can run aggregates over columns (say AVG or CHECKSUM_AGG). I use this to quickly compare results but it would scale and force data to be read.