Sql-server – Using GROUP BY and ORDER BY in the query works in MySQL but not in SQL Server

sql server

I have a query which runs correctly on MySQL server. In SQL Server it gives error:

"Column 'Tovar.name' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause" .

I don't know how to convert it in to SQL Server. Looking forward
for the help from guru's.

SELECT B.BBarcode,
       Name, C.Country,
       SUM(WCount) as count,
FROM Warehouse W, Tovar T, Barcodes B, Countries C 
WHERE C.CId=T.Country
   AND B.WarehouseId=W.id
   AND WCount>0
   AND T.id=W.TovarId +'=@param' 

Best Answer

To make this run all of the columns in the select have to be in the group by portion of the query.

Select B.BBarcode , Name, C.Country, Manufacturer,W.id,
 Packtype, B.TovarId, sum(WCount) as count, Price, Series, ExpDate
  from Warehouse W, Tovar T, Barcodes B, 
  Countries C 
  where C.CId=T.Country and
   B.WarehouseId=W.id and WCount>0 and 
   T.id=W.TovarId +'=@param' 
   GROUP BY B.BBarcode , Name, C.Country, Manufacturer,W.id,
 Packtype, B.TovarId, Price, Series, ExpDate
   ORDER BY Name

However I’m not sure the query will run with the where syntax you have, specifically the T.id=W.TovarId +'=@param' portion.

That can be refactored to be either

T.id=W.TovarId and T.id = @param


T.id=W.TovarId and W.TovarId= @param

Version that should execute

Select B.BBarcode , Name, C.Country, Manufacturer,W.id,
 Packtype, B.TovarId, sum(WCount) as count, Price, Series, ExpDate
  from Warehouse W, Tovar T, Barcodes B, 
  Countries C 
  where C.CId=T.Country and
   B.WarehouseId=W.id and WCount>0 and 
   T.id=W.TovarId and T.Id = @param
   GROUP BY B.BBarcode , Name, C.Country, Manufacturer,W.id,
 Packtype, B.TovarId, Price, Series, ExpDate
   ORDER BY Name

I would also look at some documents on how sql server does joins and the group by. While I believe sql server will do the joins correctly for an inner join between the tables based on how you’ve written them, the syntax structure they have make it a little more clear what is joining to what as well as the options to do other types of joins