Sql-server – Understanding two NICs requirement for SQL fail over cluster


I am trying to make an SQL Server 2012 failover cluster. I have two DB machines. I understand that both machines need 2 NICs each. In my organization the IP scheme assigned is something like 192.168.1.X.

So I want to know if I assign 1 IP to each NIC, will that be enough? Like assigning,, and

Or two of the NICs in each machine have to have some private network scheme which will allow them to communicate directly?

Best Answer

Or two of the NICs in each machine have to have some private network scheme which will allow them to communicate directly?

You need 2 NICs as

  • One NIC is connected to the public network --> This is where your client applications will connect using clustered IP address and clustered SQL Server name. A recommended practice is to have 2 teamed NICs for public network. This will provide you with availability and redundancy, incase one of them dies.

  • And the other NIC will be connected to a private cluster network which is nothing but a heartbeat connection checking the cluster for LooksAlive (every 5 seconds by default) and IsAlive (runs SELECT @@SERVERNAME against the instance).