Sql-server – Troubleshoot DBMail in Sql Server 2005


On a SQL Server 2005 machine, I have DBMail setup and correctly configured. I am able to use "Notify Operator" and EXEC msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail to queue emails.

But the problem is the queued mails never go through. I see 10 emails in the queue when I query

SELECT * FROM msdb.dbo.sysmail_unsentitems

But if I restart the SQL Server service, all mails go through and I receive emails in my inbox.

So far this is the only pattern I could find.

So my question is: is there a way to troubleshoot DBmail? I read some steps on MSDN, but they are not of much help. Any URLs to articles that could help are much appreciated.

Best Answer

Have you start the service broker on MSDB ? You need the service broker on to be able to process mail queue.

Read this post on Stackoverflow. An other link that may help you is how to troubleshoot a queue in sql. You can also use this link to get your service broker up and running on MSDB.

Hope that those links may help you.