Sql-server – Trouble Connecting to SSIS in SQL Server 2017 (14.0.1)


Setting up a new server with SQL Server 2017 (14.0.1000) and I just installed SSIS (14.0). As of right now I am unable to connect to SSIS from SSMS and receiving the following error message:

Connecting to the Integration Services service on the computer "localhost" failed with the following error: "Class not registered".

This error can occur when you try to connect to a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services service from the current version of the SQL Server tools. Instead, add folders to the service configuration file to let the local Integration Services service manage packages on the SQL Server 2005 instance.

For help, click: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=506689

I've confirmed that the versions are compatible, tried doing an uninstall/reinstall of SSIS, all the while confirming SSIS is running in SQL configuration manager, but still the problem persists.

Update: I've also tried following the steps here
to no avail.

Best Answer

If anyone else has a similar setup with SQL Server 2017 (14.0.1000) and SSIS (14.0) as of the creation of this question/answer SSMS 18.4 will not allow you to connect to SSIS. The only fix I have found is following Jacob's suggestion and downloading SSMS 17.9 which resolved the issue.