Sql-server – Transaction Isolation level different threads massive number of Writes

isolation-leveljdbcsql servertransaction

I have a lot of threads that writing to DB some data in two tables. tbl_raw_data and tbl_parsed_data where tbl_parsed_data have foreign key to tbl_raw_data.

I also need the writing to be superfast.

While checking the options on improving the writes (asuming reading time is nu so important) a friend of mine told me that I need to check the Transaction Isolation Level that is appropriate for my logic.
after reading some articles regarding this issue what I understand is that this property influence reading.

Is there a Transaction Isolation Level that affect writing? Which isolation level is "best" for lots of Threads running on lots of connections?

Am I looking in the wrong place?

What can I do to improove massive writing?

Im using SQL server, the threads are coming from TomEE server that writes data that came via HTTP requests via JDBC and JPA (ORM).


Best Answer

An ORM requires information about the first write (SCOPE_IDENTITY or such) to complete the second write. This means 2 (with an OUTPUT clause) or 3 database (with SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY) calls in general in a client side transaction.

No amount of tinkering with isolation levels will eliminate these 2 or 3 calls.

If you want more performance, then the best concept stored procedure to do an atomic write (in a transaction) to both tables in one database call. This means 50% or 66% reduction in database calls

Going further, you have to decide what "superfast" really means

For example, should you be using SSDs for your transaction log files: the drive hosting the log files determines overall write speed because of write ahead logging.

Then there the design: are you using IDENTITY columns or GUIDs or Hibernate style nvarchar keys? Has the ORM designed the database for you?