Sql-server – Tools and techniques for untangling monster views (nested views)

sql serverview

First a bit of context (venting). I'm working with a new vendor product which is really nothing more than a SQL Server database with a .NET interface.

First few weeks with this client and users are complaining about performance constantly with even the most bread and butter reporting functionality. I finally get DB access and discover the worst set of nested views (Is nested view a good database design?) I've seen in my life. We're talking a tree of views that is 5 nodes deep and each node has 3-5 leaves. So a single query has 20+ views behind it. It's mind bogglingly bad. The explain plan looks like a fractal after ten million iterations. I can't even read it.

I need to untangle at least this one monster view. But I have no ideas on how. I found this post (http://www.midnightdba.com/Jen/2010/06/detangling-nested-views/) which has a handy SQL script that lists the referred objects but that information doesn't get me terribly far on getting the actual table references for each field in the parent view. If I were to do it by hand, it would probably take 2 weeks. If I got it down to inline form, are there any tools that could remove redundancies and unused fields and optimize the query?

Best Answer

You can enumerate nested views through this query:

    OBJECT_NAME(sd.referenced_major_id) as This_view,
    OBJECT_NAME(sd.object_id) as need_this_view_to_work

    sys.sql_dependencies sd
    EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.views v WHERE sd.object_id = v.object_id)
    AND EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM sys.views v WHERE sd.referenced_major_id = v.object_id);