Sql-server – To generate a script to drop or map the orphan users in a SQL Server Instance

powershellsql server

I am very new to SQL Server. I have a script which find the orphan users in all the databases and generate the script to either drop or map the user to correct login (If available).

Since i want to run the script in vast number of servers, I thought of using PowerShell to help me. But i got 2 problem now:

  1. Error with the script
  2. Error with Power-shell execution

Problem 1: Following script itself returns output, but still it shows some error. I tried to Debug, But i was unable to do so.

DECLARE @orphan_users TABLE (
    Server NVARCHAR(MAX),
    DBName sysname,
    [user_name] sysname,
    type_desc nvarchar(60),
    default_schema_name sysname NULL,
    create_date datetime,
    modify_date DATETIME,
    [sid] VARBINARY(85),
    cr_type int

INSERT INTO @orphan_users (Server,
EXEC sp_msforeachdb 
'use [?] 
    ,DB_NAME() DBname 
    ,Datalength(sid) AA 
from sys.database_principals 
where type in (''S'') 
and [sid] not in ( select [sid] from sys.server_principals where type in (''G'',''S'',''U'') ) 
and name not in (''dbo'',''guest'',''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'',''sys'' ,''MS_DataCollectorInternalUser'')'; 

DECLARE @db_users TABLE (
    [LogInAtServerLevel] NVARCHAR(MAX),
    [UserAtDBLevel] NVARCHAR(MAX), 
    DBname sysname

INSERT INTO @db_users ([LogInAtServerLevel], [UserAtDBLevel],DBname) 
EXEC sp_msforeachdb 
'use [?] 
    DB_NAME() DBname               
from sys.database_principals users 
inner join sys.database_role_members link 
   on link.member_principal_id = users.principal_id 
inner join sys.database_principals roles 
   on roles.principal_id = link.role_principal_id 
inner join sys.server_principals susers 
   on susers.sid = users.sid'; 

        WHEN (b.name IS NULL) and (cr_type > 17) 
            THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; DROP USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ';' 
        WHEN (b.name IS not NULL) and (cr_type < 17) and (c.UserAtDBLevel is null) 
            THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; ALTER USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ' WITH LOGIN = ' + QUOTENAME(b.name)+';' 
        WHEN (b.name IS not NULL) and (cr_type < 17) and (c.UserAtDBLevel is not null) 
            THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; DROP USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ';' 
        WHEN (b.name IS NULL) 
            THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; DROP USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ';' 
        WHEN (b.name IS not NULL) and (cr_type > 17) 
            THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; DROP USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ';' 
    END as [remediation] 
FROM ((@orphan_users a 
    left join sys.server_principals b on a.user_name = b.name)  
    left join @db_users c on c.DBname=a.DBName and c.LogInAtServerLevel=b.name) 
ORDER BY a.user_name; 

and results are

enter image description here

But with the error, similar error appear for all databases in the instance

Incorrect syntax near 'tempdbfrom'. Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near 'modelfrom'. Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near 'msdbfrom'. Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3
Incorrect syntax near 'dbamonfrom'. Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 3

Problem 2: Since the Script is accurate (at least in my Environment) so i tried to run it with power-shell as follows. It only returns the errors, no Output

Invoke-SqlCmd `
    -InputFile "D:\temp\up.sql" `
    -ServerInstance 'abc\sql2012' `

I have tried all the means from redirection of output using > to start and stop transcript. None of them seemed to capture the result that the query gives, However the errors are captured accurately..

It would be a great help for me if any one of the problem is solved.

Best Answer

Probably your editor has a problem or I do not know what exactly the problem is. But I cleared all blank in msforeachdb and run it, so the errors are disappeared.

DECLARE @orphan_users TABLE (
  Server nvarchar(max),
  DBName sysname,
  [user_name] sysname,
  type_desc nvarchar(60),
  default_schema_name sysname NULL,
  create_date datetime,
  modify_date datetime,
  [sid] varbinary(85),
  cr_type int

INSERT INTO @orphan_users (Server, DBname, [user_name], type_desc, default_schema_name, create_date, modify_date, [sid], cr_type)

EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '
USE [?]
,DB_NAME() DBname 
,Datalength(sid) AA 
from sys.database_principals where type in (''S'') 
and [sid] not in ( select [sid] from sys.server_principals where type in (''G'',''S'',''U'') ) 
and name not in (''dbo'',''guest'',''INFORMATION_SCHEMA'',''sys'' ,''MS_DataCollectorInternalUser'')';

DECLARE @db_users TABLE (
  [LogInAtServerLevel] nvarchar(max),
  [UserAtDBLevel] nvarchar(max),
  DBname sysname

INSERT INTO @db_users ([LogInAtServerLevel], [UserAtDBLevel], DBname)

EXEC sp_MSforeachdb '
USE [?]
SELECT susers.[name],users.[name],DB_NAME() AS DBNAME
from sys.database_principals users 
inner join sys.database_role_members link 
on link.member_principal_id = users.principal_id 
inner join sys.database_principals roles 
on roles.principal_id = link.role_principal_id 
inner join sys.server_principals susers 
on susers.sid = users.sid';


    WHEN (b.name IS NULL) AND
      (cr_type > 17) THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; DROP USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ';'

    WHEN (b.name IS NOT NULL) AND
      (cr_type < 17) AND
      (c.UserAtDBLevel IS NULL) THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; ALTER USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ' WITH LOGIN = ' + QUOTENAME(b.name) + ';'

    WHEN (b.name IS NOT NULL) AND
      (cr_type < 17) AND
      (c.UserAtDBLevel IS NOT NULL) THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; DROP USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ';'

    WHEN (b.name IS NULL) THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; DROP USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ';'

    WHEN (b.name IS NOT NULL) AND
      (cr_type > 17) THEN 'USE ' + QUOTENAME(a.DBname) + '; DROP USER ' + QUOTENAME(a.user_name) + ';'
  END AS [remediation]

FROM ((@orphan_users a

LEFT JOIN sys.server_principals b
  ON a.user_name = b.name)

LEFT JOIN @db_users c
  ON c.DBname = a.DBName
  AND c.LogInAtServerLevel = b.name)

ORDER BY a.user_name;