Sql-server – The Service Broker endpoint is in disabled or stopped state – AoAG – SQL Server 2012 – 15 minute interval

availability-groupsservice-brokersql serversql-server-2012

I receive this error message in SQL Server error log every 15 minutes. I have setup AOAG on this server. The database option "Service Broker – Broker Enabled" is turned on for the Blackberry related databases and MSDB databases on this instance. Blackberry support mentioned they do not need this enabled. I have other AOAG instance and they do not receive this error.

Please share your wisdom in this regard. I have not used service broker yet and did not find a similar post on stack exchange from my search.

Thank you

Best Answer

According to this link,

It’s a default behavior. The message will show when AlwaysOn availability group Listener is created and SQL Server binds the Listener’s IP dynamically. There is no method to suppress the message. These messages are informational message and do not cause any harm and can safely be ignored.

That link also gives a query to see which databases do and do not have brokers enabled:

SELECT is_broker_enabled, name  FROM sys.databases