Sql-server – the effect of replacing indexes with filtered (non-null value) indexes

filtered-indexindexsql server

Our project runs a very large, very complicated database. So about a month ago, we noticed that the space used by indexed columns containing null values was getting too large. As a response to that, I wrote as script that would dynamically search through all single-column indexes containing more than 1% of null values, then drop and recreate those indexes as filtered indexes on the condition that the value was NOT NULL. This would drop and recreate hundreds of indexes throughout the database and typically free up almost 15% of the space used by the whole DB.

Now I have two questions about this:

A) What are the downsides of using filtered indexes in this fashion? I would assume that it would only improve performance, but are there any performance risks involved?

B) We received errors ('can't drop index XYZ beause it does not exist or you do not have permission') on dropping and recreating the indexes, even though when checked afterwards, everything had gone exactly as expected. How can this happen?

Thanks for any help!

Edit: In response to @Thomas Kejser

Hi and thanks, but it turns out this was a disaster. At the time we didn't understand several things such as:

  1. During a query, SQLOS makes index plans prior to determining that it cannot use NULL values for joining table columns. IE, you truly do need to have a WHERE clause filter fitting the index for each and every filtered index used in the query, or the index will not be used at all.
  2. Dropping and creating indexes and redundantly updating their statistics yet again afterwards still may not be enough to produce the updated plans, which we assumed they would. It appears in some cases only a high enough workload will force SQL Server to reassess the plans.
  3. There are some exotics to the functionality of the execution planner that are difficult to determine by common sense and logic alone. With thousands of code-behind -generated variations of different queries even, seemingly useless indexes can help in some statistics and query plans that end up being used in critical queries.

In the end, these changes were reverted. So filtered indexes are a powerful tool, but you need to truly understand exactly what data is being fetched from those columns. Where normal indexes aside from the space issues are rather easy to apply, filtered indexes represent very customized solutions. They are certainly not a replacement for a regular index, rather an extension to them in those special circumstances they're required.

Best Answer

Very interesting approach. My upvote for the creativity.

Since you reclaimed the space, I assume the original indexes are no longer in place? The downsides of filtered indexes then are:

In practical terms, this means that you have to be extremely careful with filtered indexes as they will often result in horrible query plans. I would not go so far as to call them useless, but I view them as an addition to traditional indexes, not as a replacement (as you are trying to do).