SQL Server Table Compression – Row or Page?

sql server

Need to compress a giant table of 1.5TB in sql server 2008, which is the best option Page or row compression, please let me know the steps to do it.

Best Answer

There is no such a thing as "best option". If page would always be superior, why bother offering row as sub-par alternative or vice versa? It really depends on a lot of things, so further analysis is needed. Start by reading some materials about data compression. MS has published a technical article Data Compression: Strategy, Capacity Planning and Best Practices that's a bit old, but fits your Sql Server version.

By the way, Sql Server 2008 has been out of mainstream support since Q2 2014 (and this is assuming you are running the latest SP4 patchlevel). You really should consider upgrading into more recent a version of Sql Server.