Sql-server – T-SQL dynamically import XML into tables (SQL Server 2014)

sql serverxml

I have a XML response with this structure but with some 150 different nodes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <AmountPaid currencyID="EUR">17.10</AmountPaid>
            <Name>Marc Juppé</Name>
                    <Title>MCPU DDA010</Title>
                <Price currencyID="EUR">6.2</Price>
                    <Title>MCPU DFZ42</Title>
                <Price currencyID="EUR">3.2</Price>

I need to store this info into 3 different tables and for Item table, I need to create a record for each different <Item>, but inserting also the Order Node details; like this:

|ItemID|Store|Title |SKU|Quantity|Price|OrderID|AmountPaid|UserID|ShippingCost|
|3664  |   47|DDA010|mmx|       1|  6.2|    334|     17.10|marc58|        4.50|
|3665  |   45|DFZ42 |mmy|       2|  3.2|    334|     17.10|marc58|        4.50|

To write in the different tables the required info "automatically", I built with great help of the community this query:

Set @T1='Orders'
Set @F1='OrderID'
Set @V=''

        @C= IIF (CHARINDEX('['+T.X.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)')+']',@C)=0, CONCAT( ISNULL(@C + ',','') , QUOTENAME(T.X.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)'))), @C),
        @D= IIF (CHARINDEX('['+T.X.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)')+']',@CP)=0, CONCAT( ISNULL(@D + ',N','') , '''',  T.X.value(N'text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'),''''), @D),
        @U= IIF (CHARINDEX('['+T.X.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)')+']',@CP)=0, CONCAT( ISNULL(@U + ',','') , QUOTENAME( T.X.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)')) ,'=', '''',T.X.value(N'text()[1]', 'nvarchar(max)'),''''), @U),
        @V= IIF(T.X.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(100)') =@F2, T.X.value('text()[1]', 'nvarchar(100)'), @V), 
    FROM @XML.nodes('//*[count(child::*) = 0]') AS T(X)
    WHERE  T.X.value(N'local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(500)') 
    IN (select name from db1.sys.columns where [object_id]=OBJECT_ID(@T1)and is_identity=0)

    SELECT @C = STUFF(@C, 1, 1, '');
    SELECT @D = STUFF(@D, 1, 1, '');
    SELECT @U = STUFF(@U, 1, 1, '');

    SET @S=N'IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM '+@T1+' WHERE '+@F1+' = '''+@V+''') 
             INSERT INTO '+@T1+' ('+@C+') VALUES ('+@D+''') 
             ELSE UPDATE '+@T1+' SET '+@U+''' WHERE '+@F2+'='''+@V+''''

    Print @S

    EXEC sp_executesql .....

Set @T1="Users"


OK, better to use a loop here

This query, although can be surely improved and optimized, has been working well until now, since there was only 1 Item Node, but now, with more Item Nodes it returns only the first one.

I tried to modify the FROM Clause trying to refer to the Item Collection, but without success, but I think that even if I succeed iterating the Item(s) nodes, I have no Idea how to get the Order Node details, that are Parent of Item node…

Can you suggest a solution?


Best Answer

The query you got from Forrest can be improved a bit.

Using the parent axis is almost always a really bad idea in xQuery in SQL Server. You can avoid that by shredding on Orders/Order first and then use a cross apply to shred on Items/Item.

Also using query('').value('.') is not a good idea. Better to make sure you only get one value out of the value() function by using [1].

One extra thing for performance is to specify the text() node in the value().

select I.X.value('(Details/ItemID/text())[1]', 'int') as ItemID,
       I.X.value('(Details/Store/text())[1]', 'int') as Store,
       I.X.value('(Details/Title/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(100)') as Title,
       I.X.value('(Details/SKU/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(100)') as SKU,
       I.X.value('(Quantity/text())[1]', 'int') as Quantity,
       I.X.value('(Price/text())[1]', 'decimal(11,2)') as Quantity,
       O.X.value('(OrderID/text())[1]', 'int') as OrderID,
       O.X.value('(AmountPaid/text())[1]', 'decimal(11,2)') as AmountPaid,
       O.X.value('(UserID/text())[1]', 'nvarchar(100)') as UserID,
       O.X.value('(ShippingCosts/text())[1]', 'decimal(11,2)') as ShippingCosts
from @XML.nodes('/Orders/Order') as O(X)
  cross apply O.X.nodes('Items/Item') as I(X);