Sql-server – System Database Migration and Security – Log Shipping or DB Mirroring

log-shippingloginsSecuritysql server 2014t-sql

I've setup log shipping between two servers (they used to be mirrored).

What is the simplest or most efficient way to mirror the system databases between the primary and secondary?

  • Is it just a matter of backing these databases on the Primary and then restoring them on the Secondary?

Further, does anyone know of a TSQL script or a (free) program that'll script all logins from the primary server?

Best Answer

System databases cannot be mirrored or logshipping.

The best way is to script and sync up desired objects e.g. logins, jobs, etc.

The best tool that I have used so far for migrating databases, jobs, agent schedules, operators, logins, etc is powershell based dbatools.io