SQLCMD.exe – Suppressing Database Change Messages

scriptingsql serversqlcmd

I am writing a script generation script.
The script is generating list of DDL statments.

The util_generator.sql generation starts with database connection:

Many queries
Followed by print statements

Since this is a very long script, with unknown length.
We use SQLCMD.exe

sqlcmd -s sa\password -i util_generator.sql -r0 -o util_1.sql

The generated scripts util_1.sql looks something like this:

Changed database context to 'TARGET_DATABASE'.

The problem is the generated script util_1.sql fails on unknown command Changed database context to 'TARGET_DATABASE'.

I need assistance to suppress Changed database context to 'TARGET_DATABASE'. message from SQLCMD.exe

Using SSMS util_generator.sql works good not producing any Changed database context to 'TARGET_DATABASE'. message.

But we cannot run util_generator.sql on SSMS from CLI for unknown length output scripts.

Please asvise how to suppress Changed database context to 'TARGET_DATABASE'. statement in SQLCMD.exe

Best Answer

You can suppress (error) messages with a severity level lower than 10. Add -m10 as startup option.

to the best of my knowledge, there is no direct way for SQLCMD to suppress that particular message. But perhaps suppressing info-type messages (as per above) will cut it?

Or, of course, use the -d switch as suggested by Dudi.