SQL Server – String Comparison Without CASE Statements

casesql serverstring

Is there a shorter more terse way to do a string comparison in SQL Server without wrapping it in a CASE WHEN ... THEN 1 END? In PostgreSQL, I can do

SELECT c, c='foo'
FROM ( VALUES ('foo'),('bar') ) AS t(c);

In SQL Server, I have to do

FROM ( VALUES ('foo'),('bar') ) AS t(c);

In the abstract, is there an easier more SQL-Servery way to throw an expression into boolean context? Or, is there a better way to write strcmp without rolling your own case statement?

Best Answer

I'm not sure that you'd call it shorter, but you could use the Logical Function IIF. From the docs,

IIF is a shorthand way for writing a CASE expression. It evaluates the Boolean expression passed as the first argument, and then returns either of the other two arguments based on the result of the evaluation.

Per the example,

SELECT c, iif(c='foo',1,0)
FROM ( VALUES ('foo'),('bar') ) AS t(c);