Sql-server – Stored procedures vs inline SQL in a Job step

jobssql serversql server 2014

I have created a job with two steps:

  1. Delete 50000 rows from an error table older than 90 days.
  2. Create and email a quick report on the number of new records created in the error table that day, literally a:

    SELECT count_big(*) 
    FROM table
    WHERE datevalue < GETUTCDATE() 
    AND datevalue > DATEADD(DAY,-1,GETUTCDATE()) 

    …but with some happy formatting to make an email table.

Currently I have step 2 running SQL in the job step rather than calling a stored procedure.

My question is, does it make a difference (performance or otherwise) in SQL Server 2014, to run a job step that calls a stored procedure or one that executes inline SQL?

Best Answer

does it make a difference (performance or otherwise) in SQL Server 2014, to run a job step that calls a stored procedure or one that executes inline sql?

In your case, since you are just doing reporting, it won't make much difference either using inline SQL or a stored procedure.

Aaron Bertrand provides a really good answer to a related question:

Stored procedures vs. inline SQL