SQL Server 2014 – Store and Apply Extended Properties to Another Database

sql serversql server 2014

I'm using SQL Doc to document a development copy of a database. SQL Doc uses extended properties to store user entered values. At some point, I would like to copy those extended properties to the production database. What is the best way to do this?

Best Answer

You can use this script to get the columns descriptions from your development database.

DB_NAME(DB_ID()) as DBName
,SCHEMA_NAME(sOBJ.schema_id) as SchemaName
,sOBJ.name AS TableName
, sEXP.value AS [TableDescription]
,sOBJ.type_desc As ObjectType
,sOBJ.create_date As CreateDate
,sOBJ.modify_date As ModifyDate
[sys].[objects] AS [sOBJ]
LEFT JOIN [sys].[extended_properties] AS [sEXP]
    ON [sOBJ].[object_id] = [sEXP].[major_id]
    AND [sEXP].[minor_id] = 0
    AND [sEXP].[name] = N'MS_Description'
WHERE [sOBJ].[type] IN ('U','V','TR','P')

Then upload a table with DataBase/Instance/Table/Column/Description to your production server, and use the following script to insert the description on your server. It only works with fields that don't have a previous description, so you must filter previously.

Declare   @sql as nvarchar(max)
, @Database as nvarchar(max)
, @Instance as nvarchar(128)
, @Table as nvarchar(128)
, @Column as nvarchar(128)
, @Description as nvarchar(3000)

Declare mycursor cursor for 
Select [Database], [Instance], [Table], [Column], [Description] from [dba].    [DescripcionesTablas]

open mycursor
fetch next from mycursor into @Database, @Instance, @Table, @Column, @Description
while @@FETCH_STATUS= 0
set @sql = 'EXEC [' + @Database + '].dbo.sp_addextendedproperty   
            @name = N''MS_Description'',   
            @value = ''' + @Description + ''',  
            @level0type = N''Schema'', @level0name = ' + @Instance + ',  
            @level1type = N''Table'',  @level1name = ' + @Table + ',  
            @level2type = N''Column'', @level2name = ' + @Column + ';'
EXEC (@sql)
fetch next from mycursor into @Database, @Instance, @Table, @Column, @Description
close mycursor
deallocate mycursor